What is a Dermal Clinican?
Dermal Clinicians are allied health professionals with expertise in skin health. We are evidence based, independent practitioners. You might find us working in private practice, community health settings, medical specialty areas as well as within hospital outpatient clinics.
Dermal Clinicians are allied health professionals with an AQF 7 Bachelor of Health Science. We have expertise in assessing and managing the skin in health and disease. As part of their Bachelor Degree programs, Dermal Clinicians are educated and trained in theory and practice in managing the skin in health and disease. We are independent practitioners however, will often work inter professionally and collaboratively with other specialists or health professionals to achieve optimal outcomes for clients.
Examples of some of the areas that Dermal Clinicians study include skin and wound biology, dermatological conditions and management strategies. We also undertake studies in sciences including physics, chemistry, psychology and general anatomy and physiology, as every system of the body can impact the health of the skin. Conversely skin health and problems is associated with many other disorders or disease.
Dermal Clinicians are trained in an evidence based paradigm in provision of skin health education, assessment and management options. The education and training of Dermal Clinicians also includes many hours of supervised clinical practice. Dermal Clinicians can provide therapeutic management of concerns relating to skin health and appearance and common skin conditions, disorders and diseases that affect the Australian population.
Information above is from The Australian Society of Dermal Clincians page. ASDC explain and cover further infromation about our role and support in the Dermal Industry.